Chromatography Automation Modules Suppliers in Guwahati

Septech Marketing Llp is one of reputed Exporters and Suppliers of Chromatography Automation Modules in Guwahati. Designed for users who need to make multiple purification runs The AutoInjector is designed for the user who needs to make multiple purification runs on the same sample. Simply input the volume of the sample you have and the number of injections needed for purification. If you have several different samples to purify, the AutoSampler is the right product for you If you have several different samples to purify which may require multiple injections and different chromatographic conditions, the AutoSampler is the right product for you. Build a simple sample table in seconds, press start, and let the system do the rest. RFID identification on sample load and collection racks eliminates errors. Chromatography Automation Modules Suppliers in Guwahati.

Chromatography Automation Modules Suppliers in Guwahati, Chromatography Automation Modules Suppliers in India